Integration with the FAME-II portal for Electric Vehicle & Component Manufacturers
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ERP Integration with PLI Auto Portal
The Government of India has approved the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for the Automobile and Auto Components Industry in India for Enhancing India’s Manufacturing Capabilities for Advanced Automotive Products
The Ministry of Heavy Industries had mandated the Automated Online Data Transfer for capturing critical Production Data & related Domestic Value Addition (DVA) directly from the PLI applicant’s ERP system to PLI Auto Portal.
If you already have an ERP solution then we can integrate your existing ERP with the portal. If you do not have an ERP then we have a ready-to-implement integrated ERP for the industry to ensure timely integration with the portal.
Our solution will help you in calculating the DVA.
What is DVA?
ERP needs to push product-wise DVA to the PLI Auto portal.
The MHI lets you secure your trade secret by calculating DVA at the ERP level.
This also helps in ensuring the confidentiality of the Non-disclosure agreements with suppliers or customers.
Applicants would be required to maintain the Quarterly DVA calculation in their ERP system with necessary
audit trails at least till 31/03/2030 (i.e. two years from the closure of the Scheme) or as may be advised by MHI.
Applicants shall be permitted to delete/ destroy the DVA data from their ERP portal only with prior permission from MHI.
This system of automaticity and paperless working shall be continued over the period of 5 years under the Scheme i.e. from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.